Friday 26 April 2013

It is Magic!

I have been nervous about implementing the 1,2,3 Magic system. I've been paying very close attention to my disciplining actions and I have discovered I talk too much! ( really???? I hear you say ;)) . Two year olds are unable to cope with all the chatter, explanation and emotion. Apparently. I didn't really believe this when it was bought up during the class, however, I have discovered they are right, of course. Today was my first try of the 1,2,3 system. Miss L wanted to play with my camera and I said no, it's Mummy's special camera and put it on top of the bookcase. Two minutes later I head back up the hallway only to see her half way up the bookcase, trying to reach the camera. I said ' that's 1'. She just looked at me and keep climbing, 5 seconds later ' that's 2' , she continued. 5 more seconds and I calmly & firmly said ' that's 3, time out' I picked her up ( she started screaming) and put her in her bedroom for 2 minutes ( 1 minute per year of age) . She cried for the first minute, then I heard chatter for the second minute. After the two minutes passed, I opened the door and she was standing there with a smile and a book. She said ' Lily happy! Caterpillar?' And handed me The Very Hungary Caterpillar to read. No discussion required, issue over. Normally this would require many ' lily get downs and putting her in the floor, only for her to climb up again and a huge fight breaking out! I must say, so far, I'm impressed! Watch this space.....

Wednesday 24 April 2013

123 Magic

I am currently on the second week into a 3 week parenting course called 1,2,3 Magic. Admittedly, when my local community centre called ( yes they called me, they are amazing) and asked if I'd like to join the next course, I had never heard of it. But it was being run on my day off and they offered FREE child care (yes this place is seriously amazing! ) so I jumped at the chance. I have been looking for some kind of parenting course for about 2 years and was surprised that I kept coming up with dead-ends. I was shocked that there were not really any on offer in Hobart. As my daughter became a toddler I really felt I needed the systems in place for effecting discipline & I didn't naturally know what to do, so this course is perfect! So far it has been great & I am looking forward to pulling it all together next week. Have you ever been at the supermarket & heard a parent start with the " That's one...." Warning? Well this is it! Has anyone heard of this or completed the course? I'd love to hear your thoughts or experiences.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Garden Shed Reno

Recently, my brother and I did a little reno on the back garden shed. We live in a very small house & with 2 small children sharing a bedroom there is just not any room for additional toys in the house. We had a shed in the garden that was full to the brim of well, crap. It was a scary space, full of spiders and horrible things.  So many people had said to me ' why not turn this into a play room?'. I always nodded and said ' what a great idea!' but I was very doubtful this would ever happen. Until one day, my baby brother and his partner happily became pregnant with their third child and I bribed them with lots of yummy second hand baby stuff to get him to come and do the work for me! Oh, the benefits of having a handy brother.  He did such an amazing job that is was all over in 6 hours. It cost me only $100 ( for black board paint, a few rollers and brushes, an extension cord and 2 plastic stools). I had some carpet off cuts ready to go in, but when we pulled up the manky carpet we discovered wonderful, polished floor board. Yes,  in a garden shed! The kids love their new ' house' and I have since made curtains and we have added a few cute pictures to the walls.

 I must admit when it was finished, I did entertain ( for a millisecond) the idea of keeping it all for myself as a studio. It didn't happen, and now all the toys are moved in and it is a very funky space.